Welcome to TechForMalls

We help Shopping Malls reinvent themselves in the digital era, by implementing our product SmartMall , so they grow in e-commerce, have more customers insights and improve the digital marketing.

Implementing SmartMall is a planned, easy and controlled process. We understand your business and customize our product to your brand and needs. We work as your business partner in the success' journey of digital transformation.

With SmartMall as your technology platform you will have the entire Mall online, be able to know your customers better, do smarter marketing, growth in e-commerce, increase revenue and manage the Mall digital channels.

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Amazing Solutions For You


We provide a software for shoppings specific for the Shopping Malls, according their needs and fields's needs. Shopping's owners can take their business to the next level.


We provide solutions to implement marketplaces for cities, communities or specific business domains. For instance, for a commercial centre, fairs or market niches.

AI for Retail

We know how to use and apply Artificial Intellegence (AI) on marketplaces, ecommerce and retail, such as ChatBots and ML (Machine Learning) .



Software development & Support

Digital Mkt

Design & Execution of Campaigns

AI for Retail

IBM Watson: Chatbots & Machine Learning for marketplaces


Software Devs & Migration to IBM Cloud

Want a Demo / Questions ? Contact Us
+54 9 11 30071339

For any questions, gather information or just to be in touch with us, feel free to contact us to be part our community. We will happy to recieve your messsage!